Refund Policy – Unicon 20

First, we would like to encourage anyone who intends to be a part of Unicon 20 in 2022 to stay registered. This not only helps us financially but helps us understand how many attendees will be at Unicon 2022.
If you need a refund now, please read the description of our new refund conditions in light of the Covid-19 situation.
Until 12-December-2021, anyone who requests a refund will be given their money back, except for a fee, explained below. After this time, the normal refund policy of 60% will be applied.
Competitors requesting a refund will be charged a fee of 35€; non-competitors requesting a refund will be charged a fee of 15€. With this revised refund policy, this is approximately an 84% refund per person. To date, 73000€ have been spent for Unicon 20. We can minimize this deficit with various actions to about 50000€. This fee will support the expenses already paid by the Unicon 20 team.
Refunds may be requested by sending an email to with the ID(s) / name(s) included. Refunds will not be processed until ID(s) / names(s) is provided.
Unicon 20 will keep the registration price the same as it is now until 12-December-2021. New price details are as follows:
Competitor: now until 12-December-2021 230€
Late Competitor: 13-December-2021 to 14-March-2022 260€
Very late Competitor: 15-March-2022 to 30-June-2022 280€
Non-Competitor: now until 12-December-2021 90€
Late non-Competitor: 13-December-2021 to 14-March-2022 110€
Very late non-Competitor: 15-March-2022 to 30-June-2022 130€
Anyone who requests and a refund after the 5th of december 2020 will not receive any special discounts should they decide later to register and pay to attend Unicon 20 in 2021. These people may use their original registration ID(s).
You were registered for Unicon 2020, asked for a refund when it was first postponed (only refunds asked for before the 5-December-2020 are eligible), and would now like to register again. You are eligible for a 30 euros discount (competitors) or 15 euros (non competitors). Use the same registration account, and contact us before you pay at